Monday, March 15, 2010

Matienzo 40th / 50th celibration event


The reason for this note is to promote the Matienzo 40th / 50th calibration event being held in the UK.

This will be an all day event on Saturday 12th June at Dalesbridge in Austwick

It is intended to have presentations during the day time along with displays & stalls.
In the evening we have live entertainment as well as quiet areas. Food will be available on a pay as you buy basis during the day. An evening meal will be by advanced ticket. It is intended to have the bar open throughout!

The event will be all ticket:

Daytime events - £7.00
Evening stomp - £7.00
Evening food - £7.00
All three items - £20.00

I hope the event will be a full day with plenty of interest to Matienzo regulars, those who have not been recently, cavers who have only heard of it and interested locals.

To make the event a success will require help from many people. I will contact those who we hope will be able to give presentations or undertake other tasks. Please forward any ideas you have which could enhance the event - preferably with an offer of help. I am particularly keen to provide interest to everyone during the day. This includes any children who may come along with parents. Therefore if anyone can do face painting or other entertainment please let me know.

I hope you will all pass details of the event to anyone who may be interested but in receipt of this note.



Contact details:

My Landline No 01229 821408

Dalesbridge for booking accommodation

Expedition website


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